The Glow Up Diet

  • JUNE Book Reads
    Let me just begin by saying, June went by so fast! We are now halfway into 2022, like seriously, where did the time go?! I am currently still on a semester break, which is unfortunately nearing to an end so I try to squeeze in as much fun reads as I can before I am once again flooded with modules and online classes. I actually… Continue reading JUNE Book Reads
  • MAY Book Reads
    Following the previous blog post about Reading Fiction, I wanted to start a segment in this blog called Monthly Book Reads. Before the end of each month, I will share the books I have read, a brief storyline description, along with my ratings, and reviews for each. This month, I mostly read books from the Mystery-Thriller and Contemporary Romance category. Here are the five books… Continue reading MAY Book Reads
  • Why you should read fiction books
    When was the last time you did a physical workout? If you don’t remember, then that makes the two of us. Which is completely fine. (I think?) No judgements whatsoever. However, for overall health the brain also needs a workout as much as the body. In school, we were taught that literacy is an important skill not only for education but also to be able… Continue reading Why you should read fiction books
  • CONGRATULATIONS! Here’s your trophy on personal development!
    Reading self-help books has its positives and negatives. It makes one more self-aware about the things that one needs to work on and possibly successfully improve them if one exerted the effort to do so. That’s for the positive, as for the negative, here’s what I discovered. Limiting myself to ONLY reading self-help has been counterproductive. I have recently gone through reading few self-help books,… Continue reading CONGRATULATIONS! Here’s your trophy on personal development!
  • Life is a movie, and you are the main character!
    DISCLAIMER: This is not the usual blog content of realistic advice and practical solutions, and this title may seem a little delusional but sometimes a little pep talk won’t hurt so hear me out. I had an idea for this article and serendipitously came across these phrases from the book that I’m currently reading, Unfu*k Yourself by Gary John Bishop. “In this life, you’ll sometimes… Continue reading Life is a movie, and you are the main character!
  • The Last Black Unicorn
    If you have scrolled through the stand-up comedy section of Netflix or went through interviews of comedians on YouTube, then Tiffany Haddish may have popped up in the suggestions. That woman is everywhere these days. If you haven’t heard of her then you’re seriously missing out. I am a huge fan, and I can definitely say she is one of my favorite female comedians. To… Continue reading The Last Black Unicorn
  • HOW TO: Be Confident
    What is confidence? “Confidence” is the belief in oneself based on one’s assessment of one’s own qualities or abilities. Everyone has their own struggles with self-confidence. There are absolutely no exceptions. Even that model that you follow on Instagram with millions of followers and likes. Resolving self-confidence issues can be difficult as it invokes emotional vulnerability and exposes the fragile ego. That being said, there… Continue reading HOW TO: Be Confident
  • HOW TO: Read Self-Help books
      Self-Help is now the current trend of book genres. Oftentimes the author is trying to sell you something life changing, like an idea or a concept either from personal experience or research or in most cases both. It routinely begins with, my life was a total mess and this is what I did to turn it around (does that format seem familiar?). Unfortunately, there… Continue reading HOW TO: Read Self-Help books
  • The reality check you need in your twenties
    Your alarm goes off, you get out of bed feeling some sort of body pain, your back or your neck hurts. You don’t know if it’s a concern for a doctor’s appointment or you just slept in the wrong position, or it could just be the signs of aging. You go on social media, and you see that someone you went to elementary with got… Continue reading The reality check you need in your twenties
  • The Last Lecture
      What does it mean to have a well lived life? Is it Success? Wealth? Fame? Achievements? A happy family? These are just few things that we work so hard to acquire in this life, personal goals and earthly worries occupies most of our time that we tend to forget that our lifetime is limited. Death is an inevitable fate that all of us must… Continue reading The Last Lecture

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