Behind The Glow Up Diet

Welcome to The Glow Up Diet with Jeane Lozano

Hi, I’m Jeane. A reader, aspiring writer and the creator of this blog.

You’re probably wondering, what is The Glow Up Diet?

The word “diet” has this controversial notion to it. When we hear of the word “diet”, we usually think of restrictive meal plans, calories, workouts etc. Basically, all things related to physical fitness. Sorry to disappoint but, we are not going to talk about salads or skinny shakes that influencers on social media are supposedly consuming to look the way that they do (everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt) or the really intense workouts that models do with their trainers. (Disclaimer: No shame and judgements here. You do you.) However, this diet does not involve the physical body, no restrictive diets, or intense workouts.

This is about our mental and emotional diet, the media and information that we regularly consume and give our attention to. This idea came to mind when I read a newsletter from Mark Manson, the author of The Subtle Art of Nothing Giving a F*ck, about how we are everything we consume. Which includes the quality and form of media and information we regularly consume and how these unknowingly and significantly influences our thoughts, behaviors, and the way we live our lives. Which reminded me of a post I saw on Instagram with the quote:

Your Diet – (it is not only what you eat) It’s what you watch. What you listen to. What you read. The people you hang around.”

Therefore, the main concept of this blog is to recommend better quality media that you can read, watch and listen to, for the improvement of your mental and emotional “diet”. That combined with a millennial slang term “Glow up”.

According to Oprah, (well not Oprah herself but on her website):

Glowing up” is like the upgraded version of “growing up.” As you age, you only become more fabulous. The staggering transformations associated with glow-ups are often accompanied by photographic evidence. “

And as defined on The Urban Dictionary website:

A Glow Up is a mental, physical, and an emotional transformation for the better.”

Apologies to queen Oprah, but the glow up that this blog is going for is the Urban Dictionary definition. Anyhow, that is it for the meaning behind The Glow Up Diet. I hope this gave some clarity and idea of what this blog is about.

Thank you for reading. See you on the next blog post.

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